Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Search Engine Optimization

    2. What is SEO?

    3. The Importance of Search Engines

    4. Using an SEO Company

    5. An Inside Look at the Benefits of SEO

    6. Your Current Assessment

    1. SEO in Text and Keyword Stuffing

    2. Your Keyword List

    3. ​Search Engine Marketing Strategies

    4. Black Hat vs. White Hat

    5. Title and URL Influence on Rankings

    6. Dominate Your Niche with This Unique Keyword Generation Technique

    7. Long-Tail Keywords Video Tutorial

    1. SEO Analytics

    1. Meta Tags

    2. On-Page SEO

    1. Off-Page SEO

    1. ​Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

About this course

  • 47 lessons